Vol.90 Thank you very much for this year | BIOTEC公式ホームページ Vol.90 Thank you very much for this year – BIOTEC公式ホームページ

Megahealth News

2022/12/31Vol.90 Thank you very much for this year

 December 31 is New Year’s Eve. Image shows that the children holding their respective age plate on a street lined with gingko trees. I chose this image for today’s picture because the 3-years-old and the 1-year-old look like “31” when lined up together.

 How was this year for you? For myself, it was a hectic year with the impression that ended while I was running around with my two young children, struggling this way and that way. I hope the articles have given the readers of Megahealth, a glimpse of what is going on. Thank you very much for your continued support.

 We look forward to see you next year. I wish you all a happy New Year.

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