Profile of Shigyo Sosyu, President

Shigyo Sosyu (Literary pseudonym), Autonym Shigyo Yusuke.
Born in 1950, in Tokyo. Graduated from Rikkyo University, school of law, a business person, author and poet.
After working for Misaki Senpaku Kogyo Co., Ltd., established BIOTEC Co. Ltd. (Presently Nihon Seibutsu Kagaku Co. Ltd., Nihon Kingaku Kenkyujo Co., Ltd.) in 1984 and assumed the presidency. Leading the enterprise based on the unique Life-energy-Combustion-theory. And presently, vigorously working on writing activities and has many literary works. Presides Shigyo Sosyu Collection and Director of Memorial Gallery of Toshima Yasumasa. Lifetime member of the Mycological Society of Japan.

The literary works are essays on life [Ikuru (To Live)], poetries and essays [Tomo yo (Dear Friends)], philosophical-thought essays [Kongen e (To the Origin)] (all books are published by KODANSHA LTD.). The definitive edition introducing the artworks and life of Toshima Yasumasa [Kokou no Realism (Solitary Realism)], and a unique artistic thought is narrated in [Yugoku no Geijyutsu (The Art of Passion)], and the theory of “Life-energy-Combustion” is exhaustively narrated by various themes in [Identity of Life], and the head-on hearty talk with a young medical student on literature, philosophy, religion, life-theory and such are covered in [Colloquy Kajitsu Retsuretsu (Summer Sun like the Blazing Fire, fervently impassioned Summer days)— Hearty Talk of Two Souls—] (All are published by KODANSHA EDITORIAL LTD.). A dialogue between Book-sommelier Shimizu Katsuyoshi is in [Tamashii no Nenshyo e (To the Combustion of the Soul)] (Published by East Press). The joint authorship narrating on the human aging [Rou ni Manabu (Learn in the Old)] (Published by HS Co., Ltd.). One volume embracing the everlasting affection of the author for “Akogare (Adoration)” [Akogare no Shisou (Philosophy of Adoration)], narrating half of his life marked by vicissitudes in [Oh, Popoi !—Return to the Days—], a colloquy book spoken on the essence of Zen and Bushido with the chief priest Yokota Nanrei, the chief administrator of the Engaku-ji division of the Rinzai-sect of Buddihism [Kaze no Kanata e (Beyond the Wind) – The Living Way of Zen and Bushido –], closing in on the heart of the philosophical thought and the humane management of Matsushita Konosuke [Higan-e (To the Sorrowful Prayer) —Matsushita Konosuke and Today—] (All are published by PHP Institute, Inc.). And [Miyo Ginmaku ni (Mementos in the Cinema) ― Sosyu Recommended Cinemas] is published (by Memorial Gallery of Toshima Yasumasa).

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