Vol.89 3-years-old now | BIOTEC公式ホームページ Vol.89 3-years-old now – BIOTEC公式ホームページ

Megahealth News

2022/12/28Vol.89 3-years-old now

 Just a few days ago, my son became 3-years-old. This video was taken to commemorate the occasion.

 He enjoys everything, loves everyone, his sister is especially precious, loves all kinds of play, loves books, enjoys all kinds of lessons, wants to go out every day, loves cafes, very curious about what and why, eats well when sprinkled with Kinshoku, and has a bit of trouble with greens because he cannot chew through and swallow them, he has grown up to be such a boy.

 I hope he will continue to enjoy his days with his inherent positive attitude.

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