Vol.91 The first photo of the year starts from Takoage (Kite flying)! | BIOTEC公式ホームページ Vol.91 The first photo of the year starts from Takoage (Kite flying)! – BIOTEC公式ホームページ

Megahealth News

2023/01/07Vol.91 The first photo of the year starts from Takoage (Kite flying)!

 Now that a week has passed since the New Year, I hope that many of you have started your first work of the year smoothly.

 We look forward to your continued support of Megahealth News this year.

 My New Year’s Days were spent with my children, we ate Osechi (Japanese New Year’s cuisine), went to Hatsumode (pay the New Year’s first visit to the shrine), played Koma-spinning, went out to fly kites…. I spent three days fully enjoying the New Year’s traditions. I am not sure how much my children will remember, but I am trying to create a sensory environment where they will feel that Japanese customs are familiarly around them as a matter of course when they come to realize it.

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