Vol.81 Handmade Furin (Wind chime). | BIOTEC公式ホームページ Vol.81 Handmade Furin (Wind chime). – BIOTEC公式ホームページ

Megahealth News

2022/09/13Vol.81 Handmade Furin (Wind chime).

Eldest son 2-years-7-months-old. Being able to make Furin as his image, he is enjoying its tone in the open air.

 There is 2-year-old craftsman in our home, and he makes various things everyday with abundant ideas. The above photo is Furin he made this summer.

 This handcraft, which he painted the summer flowers on a transparent Furin with acrylic paint of 100-yen shop, and passed the colorful beads, which were stocked at home on the string. And it is no exaggeration to call this handcraft as an “artwork” for a young craftsman.

 There is no need to give children expensive play tools at all. It is so much fun to make handcrafts thinking and “figuring out how to use” things at home or at 100-yen shop with the child.

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