Vol.82 After watching Hanabi-taikai (Fireworks-display), made a Fireworks Fan! | BIOTEC公式ホームページ Vol.82 After watching Hanabi-taikai (Fireworks-display), made a Fireworks Fan! – BIOTEC公式ホームページ

Megahealth News

2022/09/28Vol.82 After watching Hanabi-taikai (Fireworks-display), made a Fireworks Fan!

Eldest son 2-years-9-month-old. Holding a pictured-paper-fan of the fireworks in one hand, and talking about the memories of the fireworks-display.

 The 2-years-old hand-made wind chime I showed last time was well received, so this time I made a video introducing a fan that my son made this summer in his own voice.

 Watching the fireworks nearby at the fireworks-display were so powerful that some children were crying because they were frightened. However, our chibi-chans (little ones) were very excited and devoured saying, “It’s so beautiful~! It’s so big~! Why are there so many different colors?”

 And for this painting, I found a large black fan in the corner called “Oshikatsu” that sells support goods for idols in a 100-yen shop, and he drew the fireworks with the black background likened to the night sky. It is interesting to find useful item in unexpected corner.

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