Vol.80 A group of Kinchans! | BIOTEC公式ホームページ Vol.80 A group of Kinchans! – BIOTEC公式ホームページ

Megahealth News

2022/09/07Vol.80 A group of Kinchans!

Eldest son 2-years-7-months-old, eldest daughter 1-year-0-month-old. Surrounded by a group of Kinchans in a sunflower field.

 Well, everyone, do you know “ Kinchan ”, an alien who greatly loves Kinshoku? So cute~! A healing creature.

  I have been a good friend with Kinchan for a long time, and the other day when I went to a sunflower field with my family, we encountered a group of Kinchans. Kinchan can act alone, but when Kinchan is particularly happy or in a place full of life-energy, Kinchan multiplies rapidly and form a group. On this day, the strong sunlight penetrated and Kinchans were a little transparent.

  My son calls Kinchan “Jun-kun.” In fact, it is the same name as his best friend. “A very good friend = Jun-kun,” so it seems that Kinchan, who is also a good friend, is also called Jun-kun? I think. It is interesting.

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