Vol.78 What is this Kehai (Sign)…? | BIOTEC公式ホームページ Vol.78 What is this Kehai (Sign)…? – BIOTEC公式ホームページ

Megahealth News

2022/08/20Vol.78 What is this Kehai (Sign)…?

Eldest son 2-years-6-months-old, eldest daughter 1-year-0-month-old. Surrounded by sunflowers befitting a real summer.

 I thought that summer was still in its height….. Surprisingly, I can already hear the footsteps of autumn.

 When you look up at the sky, you can still see summer-like Sekiran-un (Cumulonimbus clouds) in the distance, but there are many days when Uroko-gumo (Cirrocumulus clouds) are spreading overhead. Uroko-gumo is said to be a sign of approaching rain, so the recent slightly rainy and unstable weather may be affected. Yet we can sense the signs of autumn from “Uroko-gumo,” which is also Ki-go (Seasonal word) for autumn when composing Haiku.

 Before the real autumn comes, let us fully enjoy the rest of the summer without leaving any regrets!

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