Megahealth News
Recalling what was I doing last year around this time? And filing last year’s photos, I found this photo. Yes, yes. Last year, as the day of my father’s Koki (70th year birthday) and my son’s half-birthday were close, I held a humble joint celebration under the corona crisis. The collaboration with Shigyo Sosyu who is given life in this world for 70 years, and a baby less than 7 month since his birth was very interesting. They seemed to be completely different yet they synchronized and anticipating each other’s move and communicated well. And their dialogues were delightful.
To begin with, this “Half-birthday” celebrating baby’s half a year after birth is recently becoming popular, but I found its existence after I gave birth to my son. At first, I thought was it just a vogue? However, in fact as the first one year of baby’s growth rapidly and amazingly changes almost daily and I have come to think that it is good to hold an event in the half period of a year and making a chance to preserve photos and records. I do think that this type of meaningful habit shall remain in the future.