Vol.24 Look at the Engraved-seal of the Soul | BIOTEC公式ホームページ Vol.24 Look at the Engraved-seal of the Soul – BIOTEC公式ホームページ

Megahealth News

2020/06/18Vol.24 Look at the Engraved-seal of the Soul


Smiling son held in his grandfather・Shigyo Sosyu’s arms

 Have you ever heard of “Babies like to hear washa-washa sound of crumpling plastic bag?” This is often written in the information-media for mothers. I suppose many babies apply to it.
 One day, when we went to a photo studio to take a commemorative photograph. A staff of the studio tried to make the baby smile and sounded plastic bag washa-washa. But my son did not respond at all, and kept his straight face. Then the staff, as if thinking no baby dislikes this sound, accelerated the washa-washa sound close to his ears. And the result was that his straight face simply continued. I even became worried that “Oh dear? Is my son not interested in sounds?”
 Such a son as he is, not being aware of his mother’s concern, yet when he returned home, he flapped his hands and legs listening to Glenn Gould’s piano sonata and began to beat the rhythm with full smile. Yes, he was simply not interested in washa-washa sound, and when he hears the music, which shakes his own soul then naturally his body moves and he smiles. Come to think of it, Glenn Gould is a musician whom my father, grandfather to my son Shigyo Sosyu met in his young days and exchanged music theory and had close affinity with him, and he is also my favorite pianist. The music, which shook the soul of his mother and grandfather, seemed to have been engraved in the heart of the third generation baby.
 In these days, many of whom started mothering with unsteady steps stumble over small stone, which is “Information.” In fact, I also read childcare-books and my anxious feelings were eased and some parts they were helpful. But in fact there were many parts, which were not helpful at all. This information of “Baby likes the washa-washa sound of crumpling plastic bag” was one of them.
 Facing a living creature seemingly familiar yet unknown “Baby,” heedlessly depend on information of network, television and magazine. Media is effective in clearing up the anxious feeling, yet to begin with, media is for “The Mass,” essentially do not nestle close to the individual human-being. We must not forget that when a certain information goes out into the world through the media, it is the extraction of what is judged as conformed to numerous people, and moreover, this judgement involves the intention of the instigator.
 When facing babies, what is intensely sensed is that there is the intense Engraved-seal already imprinted in their souls, which make them the individual spiritual human-being, from the moment of their birth – or rather while in their mothers’ wombs. It is the Engraved-seal that no matter what others are, own-self is own-self, and though it could be decorated by one’s environment and education, yet I sense it to be the part that could not be changed. As babies have already started walking as “Individual Human-being,” adults should not be misled by all sorts of information, and should associate with them by regarding their individualities and deeply read and comprehend the Engraved-seals of their souls. I also would like to start to inform you of the enjoyment gained from the interchange of the soul with my son in front of myself through MEGAHEALTH NEWS.

My son chatting harmonizing with Glenn Gould’s piano
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