Vol.75 Konnichiwa (Hello)from Ajisai (Japanese Hydrangea) Land! | BIOTEC公式ホームページ Vol.75 Konnichiwa (Hello)from Ajisai (Japanese Hydrangea) Land! – BIOTEC公式ホームページ

Megahealth News

2022/07/07Vol.75 Konnichiwa (Hello)from Ajisai (Japanese Hydrangea) Land!

Eldest son 2-years-5-months-old. Eldest daughter 11-months-after-birth.
Surrounded by full bloom Japanese Hydrangea.

 Today’s video is my children appearing from Japanese Hydrangea Land.

 My daughter will be 1-year-old this month, and recently she has come to be able to walk in long slides wearing indoor First-shoes. Her toddling around is becoming quite stable, so please watch her progress in the video.

 By the way, her First-shoes are handed down from her elder brother, and recalling that her elder brother wore them around the same age, I was somewhat touched. And now seeing that he is holding her hand and helping her to walk.

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