Vol.71 Hatsu-sekku (The First Girls Festival) of my eldest daughter. | BIOTEC公式ホームページ Vol.71 Hatsu-sekku (The First Girls Festival) of my eldest daughter. – BIOTEC公式ホームページ

Megahealth News

2022/03/08Vol.71 Hatsu-sekku (The First Girls Festival) of my eldest daughter.

Eldest daughter 7-months-after-birth. Her First Girls Festival.

  March is the day of Hina-matsuri (Hinadolls Festival)! We have modestly celebrated her First Girls Festival.

 Ohina-sama (Hinadolls) in the image were presented from my grandfather when I was born. In my family home, I recall that they were displayed until I was about 6 years old. As I was fond of Ohina-sama‘s tender facial features which were round and soft, just like freshly pounded mochi, I have decided to hand them over to my eldest daughter. Thanks to my grandmother for neatly having tucked them away, and so when I opened the box after over 30 years’ time, they were shining as if they were newly ordered for my eldest daughter. When I saw them, I sensed that these Ohina-sama were destined to come to us once again.

 Ohina-sama are said to take place of the girl of the family in danger. Although these Ohina-sama have already taken place of my danger, their features still appear to be powerful and active, and so we shall value them with our appreciation and gratitude, and we heartily wish Ohina-sama to protect my daughter here and after from danger as well.

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