Vol.27 Want and Free will | BIOTEC公式ホームページ Vol.27 Want and Free will – BIOTEC公式ホームページ

Megahealth News

2020/10/15Vol.27 Want and Free will

My son crawling in the president’s office

 This time, I would like to introduce a video of my crawling son. About one month ago, when he was 8 months old, it is a video of him crawling unrestrictedly in president’s office of the company.

 When I let him sit on the floor, he immediately crawled directly to the bookshelf. He took in his hand the book of French philosopher Henri Bergson. Bergson is one of Shigyo Sosyu’s beloved philosopher, and the words of Bergson are quoted number of times in his books. Many of you may remember the word of famous Bergson philosophy “Élan vital (Leap of life).”

 When my son took the book in his hands, the words of the philosopher “Consciousness is the memory with free will, and the true maturity is there” arose in my mind. These words mean that human consciousness does not spring out physically, but it exists where one pursues one’s want with one’s free will, and the true maturity as human exists where that want and free will is there.

 Applying it to my son, as you can see in the video, he is not moving because his feet move or his hands move. But he is honestly using his free will to approach, touch and tap it according to his interest. That is why he is able to learn from each of his activities. As a result, even seeing from my eyes, this baby is astonishingly maturing and progressing. As Bergson points out, this want and free will that is inevitable to the true maturity of human, apart from selfishness, I profoundly realized that it is my duty to watch over and foster the learning of his consciousness.

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