Vol.69 In the season of Advent what I anxiously await for is… | BIOTEC公式ホームページ Vol.69 In the season of Advent what I anxiously await for is… – BIOTEC公式ホームページ

Megahealth News

2021/12/21Vol.69 In the season of Advent what I anxiously await for is…

Eldest son and eldest daughter frolicking dressed in Christmas color clothes.

 How are you spending the season of Advent before Christmas? Advent is the period anxiously awaiting for the birth of Jesus Christ. However, there is one other thing I am now anxiously awaiting for is… “Regrowth of my hair.”

 Most mothers who gave birth have already experienced, however, one who have not yet experienced giving birth mostly do not know is the problem of hair loss. To begin with, the hair replacement cycle is usually several years, this cycle is related to hormone balance. Though it is a secondary effect of pregnancy, for about 10 months, during this period the female hormone which has the effect of preventing hair loss, does not continue to decrease and so the hair does not easily fall out. And after giving birth, the female hormone rapidly decreases and the hair which did not fall out during pregnancy also fall out at once. Especially around 3~4 months after giving birth, as hair fall out massively and then many mothers become conscious about it during this period.

 At present, I am 5 months after giving birth to my second child. As I was spending busy days taking care of my 2 children, I did not startle by the large amount of hair loss as in my first time, yet looking back over, I certainly did have much hair loss. And now, replacing new hair has grown to be 1~2 cm, and the hair line is giving a presence of a lawn. Speaking in reverse, it means that obvious amount of hair fell out.

 For one who is going to give birth for the first time, I hope you won’t be startled by the amount of the hair loss. As it falls out at once, it stands out. Yet they are just the hair which did not fall out during the pregnancy. By taking normal nutrition, hair will grow soon so you need not worry.

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