Vol.60 Children like high places. | BIOTEC公式ホームページ Vol.60 Children like high places. – BIOTEC公式ホームページ

Megahealth News

2021/10/07Vol.60 Children like high places.

My son 1-year-3-months-old. He is in high spirit climbing up to slightly higher place.

  It seems wonderous for adults that children like to climb up to high places. My son also likes high places very much, and whenever he finds a stone-fence of small shrubbery or edge of a flower-bed, he is not satisfied until he climbs it up. And after climbing up to the high place he shows such a satisfactory smile.

 Come to think of it, I recalled a remote memory almost fading away until I saw my son that I myself climbed up to all the high place around Mejiro・Ikebukuro area where I lived in my childhood, and made my grandparents worry who went out with me. For the adult, it may not seem to have any meaning, yet for the child it was a great adventure and great fun. I am truly grateful to my grandparents for keeping company with me.

 In the present days, there is a social tendency apt to drift to the direction of prohibition・self-restraint to everything. However, in child-raising, not only considering by adult-sensibility and though it may seem wasteful, by recalling the child-sensibility, we should not be hindering the growth of child’s adventurous spirit.

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