Vol.37 Beware of Ao-oni (Blue-demon)-san・Aka-oni (Red-demon) -san! | BIOTEC公式ホームページ Vol.37 Beware of Ao-oni (Blue-demon)-san・Aka-oni (Red-demon) -san! – BIOTEC公式ホームページ

Megahealth News

2021/02/02Vol.37 Beware of Ao-oni (Blue-demon)-san・Aka-oni (Red-demon) -san!

One year and one month old. My son is not pleased with Ao-oni (Blue-demon)-san mask.

 Today, Feb. 2 is Setsubun, the last day of winter according to the traditional lunar calendar and the day of bean-scattering ceremony (to drive out devils and attract good fortune). I could hear a voice saying, “Wait! Isn’t it Feb. 3?” In fact the day of Setsubun may move up or down linking to the slight lag of the calendar. This year Setsubun moved up to Feb. 2, and the last Feb. 2 Setsubun was in the 30th year of Meiji (124 years ago) and it was my great-grandfather’s generation. Incidentally, the last time Setsubun moved down to Feb. 4 was the 59th year of Showa (37 years ago) and the year BIOTEC was founded. It is interesting. Of course, I have no memory of it because I was nearly one year old baby, but I feel somewhat happy to find that I was present at the historical moment of Setsubun day moved down to Feb. 4.
 Well, our one year old is, as the photo, angry because his mother (myself) puts Ao-oni-san mask on his head. Since the child cannot yet grasp the meaning of the mask, feeling of displeasure that “something strange is put on my head!” must be preceding. Would it be 2 years old or 3 years old that he is able to understands the meaning of the Demon-mask and enjoy Setsubun…..I am looking forward to the day.
 And due to the recent coldness, I think we must be cautious of another Blue-demon-san and Red-demon-san. They are Blue-demon-san [Hie (coldness)] and Red-demon-san [Nobose (hot-flush)].
 First, about the coldness of the body, it is truly the cause of all kinds of illnesses. There must be many of you who feel coldness at the terminal part such as hands and feet, since the central and terminal part of the body are connected by the blood vessel, the fact that the terminal part is cold means that the cold blood is circulating to the central part of the body. Chilling the internal organs will be the cause of weakening the whole body. On the contrary, by properly warming the central part of the body will circulate the warm blood to the terminal part and resolve the sense of coldness. Not only taking care of the terminal part, it is a shortcut measure to wear a stomach band and stick kairo-warmer to the underwear. If the coldness of the terminal parts is troubling you, it is recommended to try a footbath.
 And as for Nobose (hot-flush), surprisingly it is often observed among the people who are very sensitive to the cold. Wanting to warm the cold body efficiently, and setting the temperature of the bath too hot, it will cause hot-flush. If the temperature of the bath water, the moment you put your feet in and with the hotness, you cry out “ku~!”….. then it is the temperature you become hot-flushed. If the temperature is too high and causing hot-flush, it will imbalance the autonomic nervous system. And the warmed body, immediately after getting out of the bath due to malfunctioning of the autonomic nervous system, will rapidly be chilled and fall into the vicious cycle of accelerating the cold-suffering. In order to balance the autonomic nervous system, soak in the tub for about 15 minutes, in gentle lukewarm slightly unsatisfactory low temperature that it is possible to soak in the tub for 30 minutes, is recommended. Sustaining warmth after bath will improve, I would like to recommend you to try it.

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