Vol.42  Be careful of Tsuyu (the Rainy Season) | BIOTEC公式ホームページ Vol.42  Be careful of Tsuyu (the Rainy Season) – BIOTEC公式ホームページ

Megahealth News

2021/05/27Vol.42  Be careful of Tsuyu (the Rainy Season)

My son 1 year and 3 months old. When the rainy season is over,
we hope to enjoy the seasonal flowers and scenery again.

 This year, the rainy season seems to be starting earlier all across the country, and Tokyo is also quite rainy and cloudy every day. As it was difficult to go out during the pleasant spring season due to the declaration of a state of emergency, it is not easy to keep up our mind to the changing of the season. Even in such situation, it is damp and clammy as in the usual rainy season. In fact many of us experience health problem during the rainy season, so I would like to convey 3 cautious points.
 First, please be careful of the coldness due to sweating. When sweating is prolonged by damp and clammy atmosphere, it will cause the body to be chilled, and it may cause to catch cold even in high atmospheric temperature. We should try to adjust our body temperature by wearing breathable material clothes, and also by putting on cardigan or summer jacket.
 Next, be careful of molds. If we abandon dampness, and under such condition, the whole room will be covered with molds, and foods in the refrigerator will also be spoiled fast without realizing it. In some fine weather day, we need to open the window and ventilate the room. And before the rainy season proceeds, clean the parts where stuffs and clothes are piled up as well as dusty place of the room, and make the passage of the wind to let the stuffy air out. Air flow of the whole room is improved and it feels refreshing. Also check the foods in the refrigerator and pay the closest attention not to eat the moldy food. Molds gathered on rot food are mostly harmful to the human body. And they are harmful fungi, and not KINSHOKU fungi.
 And be careful of the autonomic nerves. By the influence of stationary low pressure, the balance of autonomic nerves is broken down, and we may often suffer from migraine headache. During the rainy season, try to make every effort to refrain from wasting away the physical strength by going out unreasonably in the rain. And increase the time to spend at home, and take time to relax in lukewarm bath. And do not drink cold beverage such as juice because your body temperature is raised, instead drink warm beverage slowly and aim to relax and relieve the tension of autonomic nerves.
 Let us vigorously survive the rainy season by taking care of these 3 cautious points!

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