Vol.40 Tango no Sekku (The Boy’s Festival・ Iris Festival on May 5) (1 year old) | BIOTEC公式ホームページ Vol.40 Tango no Sekku (The Boy’s Festival・ Iris Festival on May 5) (1 year old) – BIOTEC公式ホームページ

Megahealth News

2021/05/05Vol.40 Tango no Sekku (The Boy’s Festival・ Iris Festival on May 5) (1 year old)

Comparing my son’s 4 months old and 1 year and 4 months old.
Please notice the fitting size of Jin-baori (Surcoat worn over armor in feudal Japan)!

 It is the season of Iris. How did you spend Tango no Sekku (the Boy’s Festival・the Iris Festival)? In our home, we modestly celebrated his 1 year old Boy’s Day.
 Recalling the last year’s first Sekku, we took photos putting decoration Jin-baori on him. And this year, I have made him wear the same Jin-baori again in this occasion, and it just fits him like this! Last year this Jin-baori was too big for him and I had to hold him, as he could not sit by himself. Now that he is 1 year old, the same Jin-baori fits him perfectly and he stands firmly with his own feet. Of course I was so happy to see his growth in this one year. May be, he will be able to wear it next year and I am looking forward to see how different it looks.


My son frolicking vigorously with Koinobori (Carp-streamer)
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